Hey ppl,
I have been watching this wonderful serial which i would seriously recommend for all those who thrist for general knowledge. Its called "Young Indiana Jones -Chronicles-". U can actually get it from Dhika once i finish with it. This serial is about Indiana Jones's life and mostly about his 1st world tour with his parents. This is where he makes a lots of frenz and learn various languages. But the main reason i recommend this serial is because it discuss about various subject in a simple way. For example,
1. The way to preserve a mummy in egypt
2. How to enjoy a Picasso's painting ( b4 this, i never really knew)
3. Love explained from various point of views (biological,art of
4. General idea about philosophy
5. Truth about theological thinking
6. Acupuncture
7. Revolution wars
All these are just an example and u can get more knowledge if u pay close attention.. =).. btw i just got to know even Dhika doesnt have all the episode (22).. they only have 4 disc... but since each episode is one and half hours long.. its worth it.. so ppl, hurry up and watch it.. before u guys watch the new Indiana Jones movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"
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