Dear reader,
I couldnt login into blogspot last few days. But finally i manage to share this post. Few days ago, i came across my fren's blog and i was greatly amazed with her style of writing. So i gonna share that post with u people. All the credit of the following post goes to my fren, WWW. Enjoy.
Brain Power-Memory Version
Needless to say, the abilty to memorise and output facts and statements are essential for the 'do or die' examinations to all students. Yet, an occuring problem is how do we increase human brain capacity to improve our memory? Afterall, i personally do not think we could just insert extra RAM/hard disk chip into human brain and expect it to perform like supercomputer.
Below are some steps suggested to help increase memory capacity:
1. Live a healthy life and have healthy intake of 'heavy commercialised and highly recommended by specialist' daily supplements. My advice is eat all 100%. If the first 50% is a scam and your memory still malfunction, at least the other 50% might work. [jk]
2. Memory power techniques. Eg. Mnemonics [And all other boring you probably knew it stuffs]
3. Constant revising and exposure to materials. Repetitive to a certain amount does work.
And where am i heading to? 3 minutes how to improve your memory crash course? LOL. Then with all of us these intellectual great memory power individual, how do you get rid yourself of unhappy memories in life ?
[ding dong bell] We all have our own story book of life. [Thank god grace i am not born colour blind, so i have a colourful book.] Everyone has their memories of good and bad, sad and happy, merry and lonely. How often can humans retain happy moments and discard unhappy times? I dare estimate 75% of us can: Remember all the drastic and painful moments better than happy laughter days.
Can you see the fallacy of improved human memory power now? People often get their heads stuck in unhappy past rather than move on with life. To err is humane. Hence, it is a natural course that we need to deal with painful man made mistakes. Some people get over it, but some have nightmares everyday. Because their memory are of excellence and they could not forget the bad times.
Well, my style of doing it depends on the ability of individual. [i have many a few several 'tips' on how to get rid of bad memories in life]
1. Overload yourself with negative memories that you suffer from drastic mental exhaustion. Once tired, you should be able to have a peaceful sleep. Of course, not recommended for people who are not used to mental exhaustion, because inability to recover from it will lead to severe brain damage.
2. Poisoned the bad memories with one bundle more of happy memories. Easy equilibrium: add alkaline to acid and balance it all up. This require a certain amount of experience because you need to be able to make sure you don't dwell in it too much. Sometimes, you might even need to do it from everyday.
3. Old saying that time will heals. Excellent, but how much time will that take me? Uncertain. A step to speed up the process will be to fastforward the time. Hide this bad memories deep inside your soul, until one day you are mature enough to handle it.
4. Diversion of energy in a very positive manner. Negative memories create bad expression of emotions. We need to discharge it in a constructive manner to create minimal impact on our surroundings. You may choose active games like basketball or even a short trip to swimming pool, good food and good time, shopping and playing. Spoil yourself a little but please do not over swap your plastic credit card. A gentle rest away from bad memories will provide you with sufficient time to rest and heal.
5. The more difficult way but probably the most effective and efficient one, well known as the easiest to say hardest to execute: Acceptance of the responsibility. Once accepted that there is a problem that creates dissatisfaction, go to the core of issue and resolve the matter. The first step itself is not even identification of problem BUT killing our ego to admit 'I have bad memory, bad time. How do i prevent from repeating it in future? [If step one to step four is 'to be forgetful'; step five now is 'to be preventive'] How do you accept that the bad memories occur because of self made mistakes? Zen Buddhism has this 'Just be' concept. Just be happy, just be optimist. Just accept it. Just do it. [ahahaha, told you it is not that easy]
Many people have many different way of tackling unhappiness. Some seek for reliance on historic figures, some seek assisstance from current social circle, others seek help from within themselves. I suggested five ways one may do to be self-sustain. And your choice is?
Making a decision to retreat or to move forward because of horrible past experience? To special suffering people, you are beautiful. Hold the head a little high up, walk up straight and talk like how you always talk. Are you a quitter or a loser? I was both, and still am now. But, I love my cool life.
Since this was a special dedication, it will end with a short verse rather than picture.
[Somebody visited nobody in the hall of silence]
Somebody: Life is hard.
Nobody: It is soft.
Somebody: Life is oval.
Nobody: It is chaotic.
Somebody: Life is sad.
Nobody: You mean grieve?
Somebody: Yes, and also depression and bitter moments.
Nobody: [giggles]
Somebody: You do not agree with me?
Nobody: Sadness is only but a mere art of perfection.
Somebody: [question mark over somebody head]
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Monday, 19 May 2008
Young Indiana Jones

Hey ppl,
I have been watching this wonderful serial which i would seriously recommend for all those who thrist for general knowledge. Its called "Young Indiana Jones -Chronicles-". U can actually get it from Dhika once i finish with it. This serial is about Indiana Jones's life and mostly about his 1st world tour with his parents. This is where he makes a lots of frenz and learn various languages. But the main reason i recommend this serial is because it discuss about various subject in a simple way. For example,
1. The way to preserve a mummy in egypt
2. How to enjoy a Picasso's painting ( b4 this, i never really knew)
3. Love explained from various point of views (biological,art of
4. General idea about philosophy
5. Truth about theological thinking
6. Acupuncture
7. Revolution wars
All these are just an example and u can get more knowledge if u pay close attention.. =).. btw i just got to know even Dhika doesnt have all the episode (22).. they only have 4 disc... but since each episode is one and half hours long.. its worth it.. so ppl, hurry up and watch it.. before u guys watch the new Indiana Jones movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"
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